Answer to Question 1
Determine what motivates employees by learning about their non-work activities and what type of work or projects they enjoy. Check your assumptions.
Set challenging but attainable goals, establish clear work objectives and standards of good performance, and provide feedback to encourage achievement
Link rewards to performance and distribute equitably. Reward employees for behaviors that promote the organization's goals. Be sure the individual employees find the rewards valuable and motivating.
Match people to jobs they find rewarding and recognize their contributions.
Remove de-motivators such as politics and favoritism, unproductive meetings, withholding information, etc.
Practice gain-sharing.
Make sure pay and security needs are satisfied.
Students could consider the person/job design/leadership/organization framework and apply relevant theories.
Answer to Question 2
1, Explain the format and purpose of the performance appraisal interview:
a, To discover the employee's opinions regarding his or her performance and
career goals.
b. To provide the supervisor's appraisal of the employee's performance.
c. To problem solve together about performance if necessary.
d. To plan for the next period.
2, Ask the employee to present his or her self-appraisal.
3, Respond to the employee's self-appraisal and convey feedback. First, tell the
employee the parts of the self-appraisal with which you agree and then identify
parts with which you disagree, if there are any. Next, provide other feedback that
would impact performance.
In doing this,
a, Be appreciative of the employee's accomplishments.
b. Support the employee even when you are criticizing his or her behavior.
c. Avoid defensiveness (on both your parts).
d. Encourage participation.
4, Ask if there are any conditions or problems that have been hindering the employee's work.
5, Problem solve with the employee regarding what both of you could do to improve
the employee's performance.
6, Set objectives and design a plan for the next period together.
7, Discuss the employee's long-term career goals and the training and experience
needed to reach them.