Answer to Question 1
Answer to Question 2
Begin with a job analysis to understand determinants, requirements, and indicators of job success. This helps identify the important knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) and competencies required of a successful employee. Clearly understand what it is that you want to measure and the reasons for measurement.
Next, identify reliable and valid methods of measuring or assessing important KSAOs or competencies. Either collect data to conduct a reliability analysis or refer to published materials to determine if acceptable levels of reliability exist, taking into consideration the type of reliability being evaluated. Next, develop a system for collecting the data. A variety of methods for measuring important characteristics are available and it is important to establish the integrity and usefulness of the data generated by each measure. Examine each measure to ensure that it has an appropriate mean and standard deviation and look for measures that appear to have useful variation. Then, collect measures of job success and either correlate or regress them with predictive measures. Regression analysis can be used to evaluate any redundancies among the measures and to assess how well the group of measures predicts job success.
After establishing which measures predict job success best, examine the potential adverse impact and cost of the measures. Use the validity of information along with cost and adverse impact to determine the final set of measures. Next, develop a method for combining the scores. For example, one can probably use the regression equation to weight the scores. Additionally, develop selection rules to determine which scores are considered passing.
Implement the assessment system, ensuring that those assessing candidates or using the system are properly trained. Attempt to standardize the testing and assessment conditions. Ensure that assessment instruments are kept secure and maintain confidentiality of results. Finally, periodically reevaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of the system to ensure that it continues to predict job success without adverse impact or exceptional cost.