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Author Question: Volunteers in a study are assigned randomly to groups. Some of the volunteers receive an herbal ... (Read 369 times) |
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In women, pharmacodynamic differences include increased sensitivity to (and increased effectiveness of) beta-blockers, opioids, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and typical antipsychotics.
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Cytomegalovirus affects nearly the same amount of newborns every year as Down syndrome.
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Atropine was named after the Greek goddess Atropos, the oldest and ugliest of the three sisters known as the Fates, who controlled the destiny of men.
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Amoebae are the simplest type of protozoans, and are characterized by a feeding and dividing trophozoite stage that moves by temporary extensions called pseudopodia or false feet.
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Excessive alcohol use costs the country approximately $235 billion every year.