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Author Question: Which of the following was elected speaker of the House of Representatives as a result of the 1994 ... (Read 51 times) |
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Long-term mental and physical effects from substance abuse include: paranoia, psychosis, immune deficiencies, and organ damage.
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Pregnant women usually experience a heightened sense of smell beginning late in the first trimester. Some experts call this the body's way of protecting a pregnant woman from foods that are unsafe for the fetus.
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Amoebae are the simplest type of protozoans, and are characterized by a feeding and dividing trophozoite stage that moves by temporary extensions called pseudopodia or false feet.
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There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in every adult human.
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More than 2,500 barbiturates have been synthesized. At the height of their popularity, about 50 were marketed for human use.