Answer to Question 1
Although older adults have safer driving habits (e.g., less night driving, less driving in heavy traffic, shorter distances, less speeding or drunk driving) than younger drivers, the physical and sensory changes of aging contribute to a higher incidence of fatal accidents for older adults. Hot, heavy meals and alcohol should be avoided when ambient temperatures exceed 90 F. The fear of crime often deters older adults from using public transit. The older adult's perception of tem-perature is the important factor.
Answer to Question 2
A Correct. The nurse must check the older adult's white blood cell count (WBC) before administering clozapine (Clozaril) because it is associated with agranu-locytosis. This is important for an older adult with an existing wound because immune system function can decline with age and clozapine-associated agranu-locytosis can develop suddenly. If this older adult develops agranulocytosis, he or she would be virtually defenseless against pathogens invading the wound and potentially could develop a serious infection.
B Incorrect. A timed urine test for sodium gives information about renal function; however, renal dysfunction is not usually associated with clozapine administra-tion.
C Incorrect. Unconjugated bilirubin is a measure of free serum bilirubin and a test for liver function. Hyperbilirubinemia can indicate liver dysfunction and drug toxicity, but liver dysfunction associated with clozapine is not common.
D Incorrect. Checking the clozapine serum level is a reasonable test for the nurse to check, if this test is available; however, because agranulocytosis associated with clozapine can occur suddenly, the WBC is the most important test to check.