Answer to Question 1a. Public water supply.
Water used for both domestic (household) and commercial purposes (private businesses,
hospitals, military, schools) comes from the public supply.
b. Mining.
Water is used to extract minerals like copper and silver; and fossil fuels, including coal,
oil, and natural gas. Water is also used in stone quarries and ore mills, and to control
dust in and around mines.
c. Agriculture.
Water is used to irrigate crops, raise livestock, and mix chemicals to apply to crops.
d. Industrial.
Water is used either in the processing of most manufactured products, or to cool the
machinery that produces them.
Answer to Question 2Answers will vary. Without CAP water, Tucson does not have enough groundwater to
sustain its rapidly growing population. The water table would drop and the city might
possibly need to halt growth or substantially raise water prices.