Author Question: Why is it that domestic abuse occurring within same-sex couples is particularly underreported? a. ... (Read 62 times)


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Why is it that domestic abuse occurring within same-sex couples is particularly underreported?
  a. Unless it is specifically stated, the police officers taking the report might not know that the two men, or the two women, involved in the domestic abuse incident are a couple.
  b. Those who choose law enforcement as a career tend to be more homophobic and thus may feel uncomfortable filing a domestic abuse report for same-sex couples.
  c. Studies show that gay men or lesbians tend to have lower self-esteem than heterosexuals, thus leading to the tendency to underreport report incidences of domestic abuse.
  d. Studies show that gay men or lesbian couples tend have more success at resolving relationship conflicts than heterosexual couples, thus many gay couples may not feel the need to notify law enforcement officials and would prefer to handle the situation on their own.

Question 2

Which statement accurately reflects the reported rates of domestic abuse for low income or high income women?
  a. Low-income women are less likely to report domestic violence because they tend to have lower self-esteem.
  b. High-income women are more likely to report domestic violence because they tend to have higher self-esteem.
  c. Low-income women are more likely to report domestic violence because of government sponsored initiatives that provide compensation to women who report domestic abuse incidences leading to convictions.
  d. High-income women are less likely to report domestic violence because they have the option to stay in a hotel or to stay with relatives following a domestic abuse incident; thus circumventing governmental services that would normally facilitate the reporting of the abuse.


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