Answer to Question 1
Nurses need to assess the patient first. Next, assess the lines, catheter, and infusion pump. Notify the physician or health care provider or follow protocols should a problem exist. Speaking in a calm voice demonstrates caring behavior.
Answer to Question 2
The comprehensive assessment of pain aims to gather information about the cause of a person's pain and determine its effect on his or her ability to function.
Palliative or provocative factorsWhat makes your pain worse or better?
QualityHow do you describe your pain?
Relief measuresWhat do you take at home to gain pain relief?
Region (location)Show me where you hurt.
SeverityOn a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being worst, how bad is your pain now?
Timing (onset, duration, and pattern)Is your pain constant, intermittent, or both?
U (effect of pain on patient)What are you not able to do because of your pain?