Author Question: Following an assessment of the client, the nurse identifies the nursing diagnosis activity ... (Read 22 times)


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Following an assessment of the client, the nurse identifies the nursing diagnosis activity intoler-ance related to increased weight gain and inactivity. An outcome identified by the nurse should be:
  1. Resting heart rate will be 90 to 100 beats/minute
  2. Blood pressure will be maintained between 140/80 and 160/90 mm Hg
  3. Exercise will be performed 3 to 4 times over the next 2 weeks
  4. Achievement of a rating of 3 for activity endurance

Question 2

The nurse is presenting a teaching session on exercise for a group of corporate executives. An ap-propriate recommendation is that
  1. Continuous activity is required in order for the exercise to be worthwhile
  2. 3000 to 4000 calories may be easily expended each week
  3. Lower-intensity activities need to be done more often for value
  4. Only formal exercise activities are counted in a regular plan


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Answer to Question 1

ANS: 3
An appropriate outcome for activity intolerance related to increased weight gain and inactivity is that the client will perform exercise 3 to 4 times over the next 2 weeks. This outcome is realistic, measurable, and addresses the problem. A resting heart rate of 90-100 beats/minute is too high, and it does not address the need to increase activity. This outcome does not state whether this blood pressure is at rest or after exercising. It also does not address the need to increase activity. A more appropriate outcome is that the client will increase his or her activity (over the next 2 weeks).

Answer to Question 2

ANS: 3
Lower intensity activities should be done more often, for longer periods of time, or both. The ac-tivity does not have to be continuous; benefits can be realized with short bouts of activity over the course of the day. Answer 2 is inaccurate; 1000 to 1400 calories may be easily expended each week. All types of activity can be applied in an exercise plan; it does not have to be formal exer-cises.

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