Answer to Question 1
Effective interpersonal communication requires a sense of mutuality, a belief that the nurse-patient relationship is a partnership, and that both are equal participants. Critical thinking in nursing, based on established standards of nursing care and ethical standards, promotes effective communication and uses such standards as humility, self-confidence, independent attitude, and fairness. To be authentic (one's self) and to respond appropriately to the other person are important for interpersonal relationships but do not mean mutuality. Attending is giving all of your attention to the patient.
Answer to Question 2
Transpersonal communication is interaction that occurs within a person's spiritual domain. Many people use prayer, meditation, guided reflection, religious rituals, or other means to communicate with their higher power. Interpersonal communication is one-on-one interaction between the nurse and another person that often occurs face to face. Meaningful interpersonal communication results in exchange of ideas, problem solving, expression of feelings, decision making, goal accomplishment, team building, and personal growth. Small group communication is interaction that occurs when a small number of persons meet. This type of communication is usually goal directed and requires an understanding of group dynamics. When nurses work on committees, lead patient support groups, form research teams, or participate in patient care conferences, they use a small group communication process. Intrapersonal communication is a powerful form of communication that occurs within an individual. For example, you improve your health and self-esteem through positive self-talk by replacing negative thoughts with positive assertions.