One major reason that studies may find differences in the sexual behavior between men and women is because of ____.
a. observer effects on self-reports
b. the gender of the researcher, which influences the results regardless if, the subjects directly interact with the researcher or not
c. differences in how men and women rate their sexual behavior on self-reports
d. the inappropriate use of validity measurements in many gender studies
Question 2
Which statement is accurate regarding the role of parents and socialization?
a. In today's society, parents tend to rely mainly on outside influences (e.g., media, friends, teachers) to push specific gender roles on their children.
b. Both direct statements and subtle behavior used together are the most common way that parents push specific gender roles on their children.
c. Socialization into gender roles by parents is usually subtle and influenced by the behavior of parents rather than direct statements.
d. Parents tend to make direct statements regarding how they would like their children to fit into certain gender roles.