Answer to Question 1
Answer will vary. Here are a few possibilities:
a. How the profession of counseling has changed:
i. Counseling has become more diversified.
1. It has moved from a vocational and educational focus to include clinical mental health counseling, addictions counseling, college counseling, etc.
2. Diverse counseling theories and approaches
3. Clinical mental health counselors work in many different settings.
ii. Counseling is becoming more unified
1. With the work of the 20/20 taskforce, the profession is becoming unified in its efforts to advance the future of counseling
iii. It is more evidence-based.
iv. It has grown in number and popularity
1. Membership of professional organizations
2. Credentialing, particularly licensure in all 50 states in the U.S.
v. Standardized training with the creation of CACREP
vi. Publishing of the ACA code of ethics
b. Future projections
i. Understanding and responding ethically to rapidly evolving technology
1. ACA code of ethics and credentialing will likely evolve to address issues specific to online or distance counseling, as well as to interactions with clients on social media
ii. Understanding the complex connections between mental health and neurobiology and neuroplasticity
1. Could impact counselor training, our understanding and conceptualization of mental disorders, and our approaches to treating these disorders.
Answer to Question 2
Answers will vary depending on the events that students select. Here are some possible answers:
a. The launch of Sputnik
i. Precipitated the passage of the National Defense of Education Act (NDEA)
ii. The NDEA provided funding for upgraded school counseling programs
b. World War I
i. interest in testing emerged
ii. psychometrics (psychological testing) became a popular movement
c. World War II
i. Influenced the way vocations were looked at by men and women
ii. Increased the influence of mental health professionals
d. Civil Rights Movement
i. Attentions became directed toward social issues
ii. impact of the developmental model lessened
e. Establishment of counseling theories
i. Behaviorism
ii. REBT
iii. Humanism
1. Rogers
2. Maslow
iv. Etcetera
f. Establishment and strengthening of what eventually became the ACA
g. Establishment of CACREP
h. Licensing and Credentialing