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Author Question: Richard and Elaine agreed to adopt the daughter of their unmarried best friend who was dying of AIDS ... (Read 22 times)


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Richard and Elaine agreed to adopt the daughter of their unmarried best friend who was dying of AIDS and was unable to take care of the child. They took the child. Tina, into their home and raised her as their own but never got around to filing a petition to adopt. Richard died of a heart attack when the child was sixteen. He had no will and Tina sought to inherit under the state's intestacy laws. The court may find that she should be allowed to inherit on the basis that there had been an
  A) agency adoption.
  B) illegal adoption.
  C) equitable adoption.
  D) independent adoption.

Question 2

Pauline lives in an equitable distribution state. She has asked her attorney what factors the court will take into consideration when dividing the property she and her husband have accumulated during the marriage. Her attorney is LEAST likely to tell her which of the following will be considered?
  A) the length of the marriage
  B) any premarital agreement of the parties
  C) the health of the parties
  D) All of the above will be considered.

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Answer to Question 1


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Reply 2 on: Aug 3, 2018
Thanks for the timely response, appreciate it


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  • Posts: 319
Reply 3 on: Yesterday
Great answer, keep it coming :)


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