Answer to Question 1
General strain theory identifies three sources of strain. The first is the failure to achieve positively valued goals. This source of strain was first identified by Merton and suggests that some individuals in society are cut off from conventional means to achieve the material goals society sets for individuals. Individuals who experience this source of strain may turn to illegitimate means to fulfill these goals. For example, if a youth wants a new pair of sneakers but cannot afford them, he could steal them. The second source of strain is the removal of positively valued stimuli. An example would be if person loses a job that paid well and he or she liked. Lastly, is the presentation of negative stimuli; an example of this could be a child who is experiencing abuse.
Answer to Question 2
The three general ways a supervisor can be civilly liable for the acts of subordinates
are: (1) personal involvement, such as a police chief taking part in the beating of a
suspect (2) vicarious liability, such as failing to train officers in the use of the new
Tasers being issued to them and (3) direct liability, such as when a police chief fails
to provide due process in dismissals.