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Author Question: You are from a collectivistic culture. If you are a woman, with whom will you likely live? What ... (Read 40 times)

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You are from a collectivistic culture. If you are a woman, with whom will you likely live?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

You are from the United States. How does your self-esteem likely compare with people from other countries?
  What will be an ideal response?

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Answer to Question 1

Answer: In collectivistic cultures, family relationships are tightly enmeshed, with adult childrenespecially womenliving with their parents until they marry.

Answer to Question 2

Answer: People from individualistic cultures such as the United States have higher self-esteem than those from collectivistic cultures such as Japan. In one large international study, the residents of Serbia, Chile, and Israel reported the highest self-esteem (the United States was 6th out of 53 nations). Residents of Japan scored the lowest, followed by Hong Kong, Bangladesh, and Taiwan.

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Reply 2 on: Jun 21, 2018
Thanks for the timely response, appreciate it


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Reply 3 on: Yesterday


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