Did you know?

Serum cholesterol testing in adults is recommended every 1 to 5 years. People with diabetes and a family history of high cholesterol should be tested even more frequently.

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Drying your hands with a paper towel will reduce the bacterial count on your hands by 45–60%.

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Pope Sylvester II tried to introduce Arabic numbers into Europe between the years 999 and 1003, but their use did not catch on for a few more centuries, and Roman numerals continued to be the primary number system.

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Long-term mental and physical effects from substance abuse include: paranoia, psychosis, immune deficiencies, and organ damage.

Did you know?

Adolescents often feel clumsy during puberty because during this time of development, their hands and feet grow faster than their arms and legs do. The body is therefore out of proportion. One out of five adolescents actually experiences growing pains during this period.

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