Author Question: How are the electromagnet spectrum and space exploration linked? (Read 5593 times)


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this is my science homework, and i am really struggling with it! please help.


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EM Spectrum includes all of visible light, and longer and shorter wavelengths of light. All of our original observations were naked eye, visible light. The use of telescopes did not change the spectrum we could observe, just the range and detail.

We've really started looking at higher and lower energies since creating computer chips (CCDs), which we can front with detectors which absorb light at other specific frequencies. And more frequencies are available only because we can put the detectors in space, above our atmosphere, which stops high energy radiation.

We've gotten very clever in the last 15 years, and can work around the twinkling of the stars, essentially canceling out the movement of air in the atmosphere. But Hubble, and other orbiting telescopes, give great pictures without the post processing.

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EM spectrum allows us to explore space exploration using radio waves, infrared, X-rays and more. Using these different wavelengths we can see things far away, and things that cannot be seen with visible light.
Using the EM spectrum we can measure the wavelengths of stars, thus measuring there Doppler shift, radial and tangential velocity, and distance.
Taking the EM spectrum of a star can tell us its composition, color, and more.
The EM a spectrum is very important to space exploration


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