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Author Question: If the expression of Gene A is controlled by an antisense RNA: (Read 1002 times)


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Question 1

CUTs are noncoding RNAs in yeast that are transcribed from:

◦ enhancers.
◦ the promoter of a protein-coding gene.
◦ the opposite strand of a coding region.
◦ introns.
◦ heterochromatic regions.

Question 2

If the expression of Gene A is controlled by an antisense RNA:

◦ the antisense RNA is probably transcribed from a noncoding sequence outside of Gene A or within an intron of Gene A.
◦ the antisense RNA is probably transcribed from Gene A.
◦ the antisense RNA probably has protein-coding information.
◦ the antisense RNA is probably transcribed from an unrelated gene.
◦ the antisense RNA is probably transcribed from a second copy of Gene A that is in the opposite orientation with respect to its promoter or from the noncoding strand of Gene A.

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Marked as best answer by Austinleez3 on Nov 9, 2022


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