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Author Question: The second member of the alkane series, CH3CH3, is named ______________. Fill in the blank(s) with ... (Read 30 times)


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The second member of the alkane series, CH3CH3, is named ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 2

Besides fossil fuels, the only other significant commercial sources of energy are ______________ and ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 3

The simplest member of the alkane series is named ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 4

Energy sources that would be nonpolluting supplements to our energy are called ______________ fuels.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 5

Both starch and cellulose are polymers of the monomer named ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 6

The United States' most abundant fuel supply is ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 7

Chemically combining glucose and fructose produces the compound named ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 8

The SI unit of power is the ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 9

The compound methyl salicylate is commonly called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 10

A watt is one ______________ per second.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 11

CH2 OHCHOHCH2 OH is the structural formula for the compound named ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 12

A 2-hp motor can do the same amount of work as a 1-hp motor in ______________ the time. n
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 13

CH3COOH is the structural formula for the compound named ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 14

A horsepower is a unit of power equal to 550 ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 15

CH3OH is the structural formula for the compound named ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 16

The time rate of doing work is called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 17

CH3CH2OH is the structural formula for the compound named ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 18

With a constant braking force, the stopping distance of a car is proportional to ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 19

A(n) ______________ is a material whose basic molecule has no duplicate in nature.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 20

Gravitational potential energy is equal to the ______________ of an object times its height.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 21

A monomer may be repeated many times in the formation of a chainlike molecule called a(n) ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 22

A negative potential energy may be made positive by changing the ______________ point.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 23

Synthetic compounds that can be molded and hardened are called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 24

The value of an object's gravitational potential energy depends on the ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 25

Nylon is a polyamide; Dacron is a(n) ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 26

When the height of an object is doubled, its gravitational potential energy is increased by a factor of ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 27

In large molecules, the fundamental repeating units are called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 28

When a moving object's velocity doubles, its kinetic energy increases by a factor of ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 29

The sodium salt of a fatty acid is known as a(n) ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 30

When the kinetic energy of a simple pendulum decreases, the ______________ of the pendulum increases.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 31

The term detergent means cleansing agent and commonly refers to a(n) ______________ substitute.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 32

According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be ______________ or ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 33

When cottonseed oil (a liquid) is hydrogenated, the solid fat called ______________ is obtained.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 34

The kilowatt-hour is a unit of ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 35

The main component of the cell walls of plants is the carbohydrate called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 36

In changing from one form to another, energy is always ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 37

______________ has the general formula (C6H10O5)n, where n may take on values up to 3000.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 38

A system for which there are no outside effects is said to be ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 39

The complex chemical combinations of amino acids that are essential ingredients in living cells are called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 40

Energy resulting from motion is called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 41

When a fat is treated with NaOH, the ester bonds break to form glycerol and the sodium salts of fatty acids, which are known as ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 42

Kinetic and potential energies are forms of ______________ energy.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 43

Sugars, starches, and cellulose are all classified as compounds called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 44

The sum of the kinetic energy and potential energy is called ______________ energy.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 45

Carboxylic acids are characterized by the molecular arrangement COOH, called the ______________ group.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 46

The kinetic energy of a pendulum is ______________ at the bottom of its swing.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 47

A carboxylic acid reacting with an alcohol forms water and a(n)______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 48

The two types of mechanical energy are ______________ and ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 49

An alcohol is distinguished by having one or more ______________ groups in the molecule.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 50

In pushing an object on a level surface, work is done against ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 51

Any chemical that can cause cancer is called a(n) ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 52

In lifting an object, work is done against ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 53

The simplest member of the aromatic hydrocarbons is named ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 54

The units of work are the same as those of ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 55

The hydrocarbon symbolized by a square is called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 56

The product of one ______________ and one meter is one joule.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 57

A saturated hydrocarbon contains only ______________ bonds, and its hydrogen content is at a maximum.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 58

The product of force times parallel distance is called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 59

Hydrocarbons that have the composition that satisfies the general formula CnH2n can be either alkenes or ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 60

Work is the process by which energy is ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 61

Hydrocarbons with a carbon-carbon triple bond are called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 62

The process by which electricity can be generated by using running or falling water is known as
 a. groundwater generation.
  b. hydroelectric generation.
  c. geothermal generation.
  d. steam generation.

Question 63

Hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH2n+2 are called ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 64

Energy provided directly from Earth's interior is called
 a. groundwater energy.
  b. geothermal energy.
  c. artesian energy.
  d. thermionic energy.

Question 65

Compounds of carbon are classified as ______________ compounds.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 66

Which of the following sources of energy presents the fewest pollution problems under normal operating conditions?
 a. Coal
  b. Natural gas
  c. Nuclear fission
  d. Hydroelectric power

Question 67

n-Butane and isobutane are the two ______________ of C4H10.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 68

For which of the following reasons is production of ethanol unwise?
 a. Pollutants aren't significantly reduced.
  b. It takes twice as much fossil-fuel energy to produce ethanol than the ethanol that is produced supplies.
  c. It can drive costs of corn higher.
  d. All of the above.

Question 69

Compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen are known as ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 70

A mixture of ethanol and gasoline is called
 a. ethaline.
  b. gasanine.
  c. gasohol.
  d. gethanine.

Question 71

A(n) ______________ is formed by replacing a hydrogen atom in a hydrocarbon with a halogen atom.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 72

Some food costs may rise in the future as a consequence of the increased use of which food-based fuel?
 a. Ethanol
  b. Gasoline
  c. Oil
  d. Coal

Question 73

Alkanes minus one hydrogen atom are called ______________ groups.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 74

It is estimated that the global reserve of methane hydrate is ______________ the global reserves of coal, oil, and natural gas.
 a. equal to
  b. less than
  c. twice
  d. ten times

Question 75

If a hydrocarbon is not aliphatic, it is ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 76

One positive aspect of the potential use of methane hydrate as a fuel is that
 a. there is more of it than there is of coal, oil, and natural gas.
  b. it is easy to mine.
  c. its use will never contribute to global warming.
  d. it exists in a pure form ready for use.

Question 77

The continuous-chain alkane with the formula C6H14 is named ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 78

Which of the following is(are) drawbacks to the use of methane hydrate as a fuel?
 a. When melted, it produces methane, a greenhouse gas.
  b. It is difficult to mine as a solid located at the bottom of the oceans.
  c. It is mixed with water.
  d. All of these are drawbacks associated with methane hydrate.

Question 79

Ethyne, HCCH, is also named ______________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 80

Ice that burns is better known as
 a. propane.
  b. frozen oil.
  c. coal.
  d. methane hydrate.

Question 81

An oxygen atom can bond to ______________ other atom(s).
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 82

Although the United States has less than 5 of the world's population, it accounts for approximately ______________ of the world's annual consumption of fossil fuels.
 a. 15
  b. 25
  c. 35
  d. 45

Question 83

______________ is the study of the compounds and reactions that occur in living cells.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 84

Currently, in the United States, which sector of the economy uses the most energy?
 a. Industry
  b. Transportation
  c. Commercial
  d. Residential

Question 85

Propene and cyclopropane are
 a. the same compound.
  b. isomers.
  c. neither isomers nor the same compound.

Question 86

Currently, in the United States, which fuel is utilized to produce the majority of electrical power?
 a. Oil
  b. Natural gas
  c. Coal
  d. Nuclear

Question 87

Which of the following could be the formula of an alkyne?
 a. C6H6
  b. C6H10
  c. C6H12
  d. C6H14

Question 88

Currently, in the United States, which fuel has the largest consumption?
 a. Oil
  b. Natural gas
  c. Coal
  d. Nuclear

Question 89

Socrates died from ingesting the alkaloid named
 a. nicotine.
  b. caffeine.
  c. quinine.
  d. coniine.

Question 90

The largest reserve of energy in the United States is in what form?
 a. Oil
  b. Natural gas
  c. Coal
  d. Nuclear

Question 91

1-Fluoropentane and 5-fluoropentane are
 a. isomers.
  b. neither isomers nor the same compound.
  c. the same compound.

Question 92

The average adult radiates heat energy at the same rate as
 a. a 10-W light bulb.
  b. a 100-kW light bulb.
  c. a 100-W light bulb.
  d. none of these.

Question 93

Addition polymers are formed from
 a. diacids only.
  b. alkenes.
  c. dialcohols only.
  d. diacids and dialcohols together.

Question 94

Which of the following is not a scalar quantity?
 a. Kinetic energy
  b. Potential energy
  c. Power
  d. Work
  e. None of these; that is, they are all scalar quantities.

Question 95

Molecules of which monomer could, by themselves, form a condensation polymer?

Question 96

Which of the following is a unit of energy?
 a. kilowatt-hour
  b. newton
  c. joules per second
  d. newton-second
  e. none of these

Question 97

A functional group is
 a. exemplified by the R in ROH.
  b. a vertical column in the periodic table.
  c. exemplified by the COOH in RCOOH.
  d. a horizontal row in the periodic table.

Question 98

Which of the following is a unit of power?
 a. kilowatt-hour
  b. newton
  c. joules per second
  d. foot-pound
  e. none of these

Question 99

Which of the following could be the monomer of an addition polymer?
 a. CCl4
  b. Cl2C=CH2
  c. CHCl3
  d. Cl3C=CCl3

Question 100

A kilowatt-hour is a unit that measures
 a. work per unit of time.
  b. energy.
  c. power.
  d. work  time.

Question 101

To which group of polymers does PVC belong?
 a. Natural
  b. Hydrolytic
  c. Addition
  d. Condensation

Question 102

What is bought from an electric company?
 a. Electrical energy
  b. Electric charge
  c. Electrical power
  d. None of these

Question 103

To which group of polymers does Teflon belong?
 a. Natural
  b. Hydrolytic
  c. Addition
  d. Condensation

Question 104

Which of the following is not a unit of power?
 a. ft  lb/s
  b. kW  h
  c. J/s
  d. watt

Question 105

To which group of polymers does polystyrene belong?
 a. Natural
  b. Hydrolytic
  c. Addition
  d. Condensation

Question 106

Which of the following is not a unit of power?
 a. ft  lb/s
  b. N  m
  c. J/s
  d. watt

Question 107

To which group of polymers does Mylar belong?
 a. Natural
  b. Hydrolytic
  c. Addition
  d. Condensation

Question 108

One watt is equal to one joule per ______________.
 a. second
  b. newton
  c. hour
  d. kilogram

Question 109

To which group of polymers does Dacron belong?
 a. Natural
  b. Hydrolytic
  c. Addition
  d. Condensation

Question 110

One ______________ is equal to one joule per second.
 a. kilogram
  b. newton
  c. pound
  d. watt

Question 111

To which group of polymers does nylon belong?
 a. Natural
  b. Hydrolytic
  c. Addition
  d. Condensation

Question 112

One watt is equal to ______________ per second.
 a. one kilogram
  b. one newton
  c. one joule
  d. one meter

Question 113

Which of the following polymers is a hydrocarbon?
 a. Polyethylene
  b. PVC
  c. Teflon
  d. Dacron

Question 114

Power is
 a. the time rate of doing work.
  b. the time rate of doing velocity.
  c. the time rate of doing momentum.
  d. the time rate of doing force.

Question 115

Which of the following was the first synthetic compound to be made?
 a. Neoprene
  b. Polyethylene
  c. Bakelite
  d. Nylon

Question 116

Power is
 a. work divided by time.
  b. velocity multiplied by time.
  c. momentum divided by time.
  d. energy multiplied by time.

Question 117

Polymers are formed from fundamental repeating units called
 a. groups.
  b. amino acids.
  c. complexes.
  d. monomers.

Question 118

A system may
 a. be isolated.
  b. have real boundaries.
  c. have imaginary boundaries.
  d. all of these

Question 119

A solution of what sugar is used for intravenous feeding in a hospital?
 a. Sucrose
  b. Fructose
  c. Glucose
  d. Lactose

Question 120

Mechanical energy
 a. is the automobile energy.
  b. is the sum of kinetic and potential energies.
  c. is the kinetic energy.
  d. is the potential energy.

Question 121

During ester formation, the OH is removed from the
 a. carboxylic acid.
  b. amine.
  c. alcohol.
  d. sugar.

Question 122

Mechanical energy
 a. is always the total energy of a system.
  b. is the sum of the energies of motion and position.
  c. is always conserved.
  d. necessarily involves gravitational potential energy.

Question 123

The general formula R-NH2 is that of
 a. an amine.
  b. an alkyl halide.
  c. an alcohol.
  d. none of these

Question 124

The energy of a system
 a. always increases.
  b. always remains constant.
  c. increases when work is done by the system.
  d. increases when work is done on the system.

Question 125

The general formula ROH is that of
 a. an amine.
  b. an alkyl halide.
  c. an alcohol.
  d. none of these

Question 126

The energy of a system
 a. always increases.
  b. always remains constant.
  c. decreases when work is done by the system.
  d. decreases when work is done on the system.

Question 127

The general formula R-X is that of
 a. an amine.
  b. an alkyl halide.
  c. an alcohol.
  d. none of these

Question 128

We define the total mechanical energy of an object as
 a. potential energy plus kinetic energy.
  b. inertial energy plus kinetic energy.
  c. gravitational energy plus potential energy.
  d. mental energy plus physical energy.

Question 129

The process by which liquid fats, such as vegetable oils, can be converted to solid fats is called
 a. hydrogenation.
  b. saturation.
  c. carbonation.
  d. oxygenation.

Question 130

If you lift a 15-N weight vertically 30 m above the ground, you are
 a. doing work against gravity.
  b. doing work against friction.
  c. doing work against inertia.
  d. doing none of these.

Question 131

Which of the following compounds has two hydroxyl groups?
 a. Ethylene glycol
  b. Ethanol
  c. Glycerol
  d. Cholesterol

Question 132

Potential-energy values may be
 a. positive only.
  b. negative only.
  c. zero only.
  d. all of these.

Question 133

Which carbohydrate cannot be digested by humans as a direct source of energy?
 a. Fructose
  b. Glucose
  c. Sucrose
  d. Cellulose
  e. Starch

Question 134

The energy of position is called
 a. potential energy.
  b. power.
  c. kinetic energy.
  d. heat.

Question 135

Which compound has three hydroxyl groups?
 a. Ethylene glycol
  b. Ethanol
  c. Cholesterol
  d. Glycerol

Question 136

Which of the following four objects has different kinetic energy?
 a. An object of mass m moving with speed 4v
  b. An object of mass 4m moving with speed 2v
  c. An object of mass 16m moving with speed v
  d. An object of mass 2m moving with speed 3v
  e. None of these; all four objects have the same kinetic energy.

Question 137

The general formula RNH2 is that of
 a. an ester.
  b. an amine.
  c. an amide.
  d. none of these

Question 138

Which of the following four objects has the least kinetic energy?
 a. An object of mass m moving with speed 4v
  b. An object of mass 3m moving with speed 2v
  c. An object of mass 4m moving with speed v
  d. An object of mass 2m moving with speed 3v
  e. None of these; all four objects have the same kinetic energy.

Question 139

Triesters of long-chain acids with glycerol are called
 a. condensation polymers.
  b. fats.
  c. soaps.
  d. synthetic detergents.

Question 140

Which of the following four objects has the greatest kinetic energy?
 a. An object of mass m moving with speed 4v
  b. An object of mass 3m moving with speed 2v
  c. An object of mass 4m moving with speed v
  d. An object of mass 2m moving with speed 3v
  e. None of these; all four objects have the same kinetic energy.

Question 141

Another name for glucose is
 a. dextrose.
  b. malt sugar.
  c. sucrose.
  d. lactose.

Question 142

The potential energy of a pendulum is greatest
 a. when its potential energy is least.
  b. at the top of its swing.
  c. at the bottom of its swing.
  d. when its total energy is greatest.

Question 143

An advantage of synthetic detergents over soaps is that they
 a. do not contain sulfur.
  b. dissolve grease.
  c. do not form scum in hard water.
  d. are more readily biodegradable.

Question 144

The kinetic energy of a pendulum is least
 a. when its potential energy is least.
  b. at the top of its swing.
  c. at the bottom of its swing.
  d. when its total energy is greatest.

Question 145

What are the basic building blocks of proteins?
 a. Amino acids
  b. Starches
  c. Sugars
  d. Carboxylic acids

Question 146

The potential energy of a pendulum is least
 a. when its potential energy is greatest.
  b. at the top of its swing.
  c. at the bottom of its swing.
  d. when its total energy is greatest.

Question 147

Starch is a polymer that consists of long chains of ______________ units.
 a. lactose
  b. fructose
  c. maltose
  d. glucose

Question 148

The kinetic energy of a pendulum is greatest
 a. when its potential energy is greatest.
  b. at the top of its swing.
  c. at the bottom of its swing.
  d. when its total energy is greatest.

Question 149

We get sucrose and water if we chemically combine
 a. fructose and maltose.
  b. glucose and fructose.
  c. maltose and lactose.
  d. glucose and lactose.

Question 150

A student weighing 200 N climbs a flight of stairs 9.0 m high in 4 s. What power is required to perform this task?
 a. 1800 J
  b. 800 J
  c. 1800 W
  d. 800 W
  e. 450 W

Question 151

The suffix -ol in a compound's name signifies
 a. an enzyme.
  b. an amide.
  c. an alcohol.
  d. a carbohydrate.

Question 152

A student weighing 300 N climbed a flight of stairs 5.0 m high in 6 s. How much work was done by the student?
 a. 1500 J
  b. 1800 J
  c. 1500 W
  d. 1800 W
  e. 50 W

Question 153

Which sugar is a chemically bonded combination of two other sugars?
 a. Sucrose
  b. Lactose
  c. Glucose
  d. Fructose

Question 154

A 1000-kg car traveling at 70 m/s takes 3 m to stop under full braking. The same car under similar road conditions, traveling at 140 m/s, takes ______________ m to stop under full braking.
 a. 6
  b. 1
  c. 3
  d. 12
  e. 11

Question 155

Which sugar is the sweetest of all sugars?
 a. Sucrose
  b. Lactose
  c. Glucose
  d. Fructose

Question 156

When a 6-kg object increases its potential energy by 180 J, approximately how has its position changed?
 a. It has risen vertically 3 m.
  b. It has fallen vertically 3 m.
  c. It has risen vertically 30 m.
  d. It has moved horizontally 30 m.

Question 157

Which sugar is found in greater than normal amounts in the blood of a diabetic?
 a. Sucrose
  b. Lactose
  c. Glucose
  d. Fructose

Question 158

A 4-kg object falls vertically a distance of 5 m. Its potential energy has changed by approximately how much?
 a. It has increased by 20 J.
  b. It has decreased by 200 J.
  c. It has decreased by 20 J.
  d. It has increased by 200 J.

Question 159

The suffix -ose in a compound's name signifies a(n)
 a. amide.
  b. alcohol.
  c. carbohydrate.
  d. enzyme.

Question 160

An object has kinetic energy of 324 J. If its speed is 9 m/s, what is its mass?
 a. 8
  b. 36
  c. 1620
  d. 324

Question 161

Which of the following is not a carbohydrate?
 a. Maltose
  b. Glucose
  c. Fructose
  d. Glyceryl tristearate

Question 162

An object of mass 2 kg has a speed of 8 m/s and moves a distance of 6 m. What is its kinetic energy in joules?
 a. 64
  b. 48
  c. 289
  d. 16

Question 163

Which of the following is not a carbohydrate?
 a. Maltose
  b. Glycine
  c. Fructose
  d. Glucose

Question 164

The energy of motion is called
 a. inertia.
  b. power.
  c. kinetic energy.
  d. potential energy.

Question 165

Which of the following is a carbohydrate?
 a. Maltose
  b. Glycine
  c. Ribonucleic acid
  d. Glyceryl tristearate

Question 166

The quantity is known as
 a. kinetic energy.
  b. potential energy.
  c. work.
  d. energy.
  e. power.

Question 167

Which alcohol is used as an antifreeze?
 a. 2-Hydroxypropane
  b. Ethylene glycol
  c. Ethanol
  d. Methanol

Question 168

Which of the following is a vector quantity?
 a. Force
  b. Power
  c. Work
  d. Time
  e. None of these

Question 169

Which alcohol is used in rubbing alcohol?
 a. 2-Hydroxypropane
  b. Ethylene glycol
  c. Ethanol
  d. Methanol

Question 170

Which of the following is a vector quantity?
 a. Energy
  b. Power
  c. Work
  d. None of these

Question 171

Which simplest alcohol is used in race cars as fuel?
 a. 2-Propanol
  b. Ethylene glycol
  c. Ethanol
  d. Methanol

Question 172

The ______________ distance is used in calculating work.
 a. normal
  b. square of
  c. perpendicular
  d. parallel

Question 173

Which alcohol is used in beverages?
 a. 2-Propanol
  b. Ethylene glycol
  c. Ethanol
  d. Methanol

Question 174

Work requires
 a. motion.
  b. zero net force.
  c. zero momentum.
  d. a force perpendicular to the direction of motion.

Question 175

Alcohols are distinguished by the fact that at least one hydrogen atom in a hydrocarbon has been replaced by a(n)
 a. carboxyl group.
  b. alkyl group.
  c. hydroxyl group.
  d. oxygen atom.

Question 176

Which of the following is not a unit of work?
 a. ft  lb
  b. N  m
  c. joule
  d. watt

Question 177

Chlorine is not present in
 a. CFCs.
  b. chloroform.
  c. Freon-12.
  d. Teflon.

Question 178

A joule per second (J/s) is a
 a. Watt.
  b. Newton.
  c. Kilogram.
  d. Second.

Question 179

CH3 CONHCH2 CH3 is an example of a(n)
 a. amide.
  b. amine.
  c. ester.
  d. carboxylic acid.

Question 180

A joule/meter (J/m) is a unit of
 a. force.
  b. work.
  c. energy.
  d. power.

Question 181

Cholesterol belongs to what class of organic compounds?
 a. Alkyl halides
  b. Esters
  c. Carboxylic acids
  d. Alcohols

Question 182

Work is defined as force times
 a. distance.
  b. time.
  c. parallel distance.
  d. perpendicular distance.

Question 183

Methyl salicylate is an ester commonly called
 a. glycerine.
  b. oil of wintergreen.
  c. heroin.
  d. chloroform.
  e. methamphetamine.

Question 184

A comet is traveling at a speed of 50,000 mi/h when it is 100 million miles from the Sun. Compute its speed when it is 25 million miles from the Sun.

Question 185

When a carboxylic acid reacts with an amine, the products are water and a(n)
 a. aldehyde.
  b. ester.
  c. amide.
  d. salt.
  e. ketone.

Question 186

What is the purpose of having automobile air bags?

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  • Sr. Member
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  • Posts: 342
Answer to Question 1


Answer to Question 2

nuclear; hydropower

Answer to Question 3


Answer to Question 4


Answer to Question 5


Answer to Question 6


Answer to Question 7

sucrose (sugar, or table sugar)

Answer to Question 8


Answer to Question 9

oil of wintergreen

Answer to Question 10


Answer to Question 11

glycerol, or glycerin

Answer to Question 12


Answer to Question 13

acetic acid

Answer to Question 14


Answer to Question 15

methyl alcohol, or methanol

Answer to Question 16


Answer to Question 17

ethyl alcohol, or ethanol

Answer to Question 18

the square of the velocity (v2)

Answer to Question 19


Answer to Question 20

weight, or milligrams

Answer to Question 21


Answer to Question 22


Answer to Question 23


Answer to Question 24

reference point

Answer to Question 25


Answer to Question 26


Answer to Question 27


Answer to Question 28


Answer to Question 29


Answer to Question 30

potential energy

Answer to Question 31


Answer to Question 32

created; destroyed

Answer to Question 33


Answer to Question 34


Answer to Question 35


Answer to Question 36


Answer to Question 37

Starch, or Cellulose

Answer to Question 38


Answer to Question 39


Answer to Question 40

kinetic energy

Answer to Question 41


Answer to Question 42


Answer to Question 43


Answer to Question 44


Answer to Question 45


Answer to Question 46

maximum (or greatest)

Answer to Question 47


Answer to Question 48

kinetic energy; potential energy

Answer to Question 49

hydroxyl, or -OH

Answer to Question 50


Answer to Question 51


Answer to Question 52


Answer to Question 53


Answer to Question 54


Answer to Question 55


Answer to Question 56


Answer to Question 57


Answer to Question 58


Answer to Question 59


Answer to Question 60


Answer to Question 61


Answer to Question 62


Answer to Question 63


Answer to Question 64


Answer to Question 65


Answer to Question 66


Answer to Question 67


Answer to Question 68


Answer to Question 69


Answer to Question 70


Answer to Question 71

alkyl halide

Answer to Question 72


Answer to Question 73


Answer to Question 74


Answer to Question 75


Answer to Question 76


Answer to Question 77


Answer to Question 78


Answer to Question 79


Answer to Question 80


Answer to Question 81


Answer to Question 82


Answer to Question 83


Answer to Question 84


Answer to Question 85


Answer to Question 86


Answer to Question 87


Answer to Question 88


Answer to Question 89


Answer to Question 90


Answer to Question 91


Answer to Question 92


Answer to Question 93


Answer to Question 94


Answer to Question 95


Answer to Question 96


Answer to Question 97


Answer to Question 98


Answer to Question 99


Answer to Question 100


Answer to Question 101


Answer to Question 102


Answer to Question 103


Answer to Question 104


Answer to Question 105


Answer to Question 106


Answer to Question 107


Answer to Question 108


Answer to Question 109


Answer to Question 110


Answer to Question 111


Answer to Question 112


Answer to Question 113


Answer to Question 114


Answer to Question 115


Answer to Question 116


Answer to Question 117


Answer to Question 118


Answer to Question 119


Answer to Question 120


Answer to Question 121


Answer to Question 122


Answer to Question 123


Answer to Question 124


Answer to Question 125


Answer to Question 126


Answer to Question 127


Answer to Question 128


Answer to Question 129


Answer to Question 130


Answer to Question 131


Answer to Question 132


Answer to Question 133


Answer to Question 134


Answer to Question 135


Answer to Question 136


Answer to Question 137


Answer to Question 138


Answer to Question 139


Answer to Question 140


Answer to Question 141


Answer to Question 142


Answer to Question 143


Answer to Question 144


Answer to Question 145


Answer to Question 146


Answer to Question 147


Answer to Question 148


Answer to Question 149


Answer to Question 150


Answer to Question 151


Answer to Question 152


Answer to Question 153


Answer to Question 154


Answer to Question 155


Answer to Question 156


Answer to Question 157


Answer to Question 158


Answer to Question 159


Answer to Question 160


Answer to Question 161


Answer to Question 162


Answer to Question 163


Answer to Question 164


Answer to Question 165


Answer to Question 166


Answer to Question 167


Answer to Question 168


Answer to Question 169


Answer to Question 170


Answer to Question 171


Answer to Question 172


Answer to Question 173


Answer to Question 174


Answer to Question 175


Answer to Question 176


Answer to Question 177


Answer to Question 178


Answer to Question 179


Answer to Question 180


Answer to Question 181


Answer to Question 182


Answer to Question 183


Answer to Question 184

200,000 mi/h

Answer to Question 185


Answer to Question 186

Answers may vary:
-Reduce the impact force in a collision
-Increase the contact time in stopping a person
-Increase the surface area of the impact force
-Increase survivability
-Decrease injuries


  • Hero Member
  • *****
  • Posts: 586
Both answers were spot on, thank you once again


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