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Author Question: Stephenie recently took an interest inventory to determine which career might be good for her. She ... (Read 7105 times)

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Asthma attacks and symptoms usually get started by specific triggers (such as viruses, allergies, gases, and air particles). You should talk to your doctor about these triggers and find ways to avoid or get rid of them.

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More than nineteen million Americans carry the factor V gene that causes blood clots, pulmonary embolism, and heart disease.

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Only 12 hours after an egg cell is fertilized by a sperm cell, the egg cell starts to divide. As it continues to divide, it moves along the fallopian tube toward the uterus at about 1 inch per day.

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Bacteria have been found alive in a lake buried one half mile under ice in Antarctica.

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Hip fractures are the most serious consequences of osteoporosis. The incidence of hip fractures increases with each decade among patients in their 60s to patients in their 90s for both women and men of all populations. Men and women older than 80 years of age show the highest incidence of hip fractures.

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