Search results for: american with disabilities act

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......  into standard deviations  Question 2  Both the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental  ......

......  American Association on Intellectual and Developmental  ............  and needs across many areas.  d) in coordination with parents and teachers.  Question 2  Research on  ......

......  its classification system, the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental  ......

......  of defining adaptive functioning for people with intellectual disabilities, according to the  ............  Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), which of the following distinctions is  ............  more criterion groups.   c) is intended for use with high school students only, while the Kuder  ......

......  what proportion of American families are directly impacted by intellectual  ............  human sentiments and faculties.   c) human character could be judged by details of facial appearance. ............    d) Fast reaction time was a good indicator of above-average  ......

......  American television commercials, males are ____.    a.  ............  rationale for why girls are more often diagnosed with learning disabilities than boys  c. is supported  ......

......    D) Polygyny  Question 2  The __________ Act of 1994 prohibits any agency that receives  ............  of race, color, or national origin.    (a) American Disabilities  (b) Equal Adoptive Agency  (c)  ......

...... . What is the primary purpose of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?    a. It  ............  that all public schools comply with building codes that make them accessible to  ............  with physical disabilities.  b. It provides funding  ............  about the civil rights of people who have disabilities.  d. It guarantees development-enhancing  ............  programs and services for students who have disabilities.  Question 2  Which one of the following is the  ............  of classmates who appear to be struggling with theirs.  b. Tariq devoutly follows Muslim  ............  school holidays, but he tries to behave as his American classmates do on days when he attends school.    ......

...... , approximately 2 of every 1,000 American children suffer from FAS.    Indicate whether  ............  During a meeting to discuss services for children with disabilities, parents should listen carefully and  ......

...... .   b. School districts could continue with the use of IQ tests to identify students from  ............  and have a discriminatory effect on African American students.  d. IQ test results could be used to  ............ . Did not provide adequate instruction to students with disabilities  b. Did not provide alternate  ......

......  Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (UCEDDs) in the  ............  research in intellectual and developmental disabilities.    Indicate whether the statement is true or  ............   Question 2  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, at what age should doctors  ......

......  language skills of children with intellectual disabilities are best described as   ............  and deviant  c. having many commonalities with the language skills of autistic children  d.  ............  those of younger, normal children  Question 2  American Sign Language    a. is learned as a first  ......

......  emotional problems caused by the war.   c. characters dealing with the clash of values of American  ............  European cultures.   d. overcoming disease and disabilities and the struggle to survive the challenges of  ............  (Flores-Galbis, 2010), the main character is a part of Operation Pedro Pan.    a. War  ......

......  of the following was NOT included in the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental  ............  program are given a normal course or program, but activities are added to enhance the understanding and  ............  of what they have learned.    a. curriculum compacting  b. acceleration  c. enrichment  d. pull- ......

......  with special needs are students who:    A) Have  ............  their classroom performance.  B) Have physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis,  ............  achievement and competition in many Native American, Mexican American, and Southeast Asian cultures?   ............ .  B) Students from these cultures may compete with each other for the lowest grade in class and so  ............  students from these cultures are uncomfortable with competition and may prefer to help their  ............  rather than compete with them.  D) Students from all of these cultures  ......

......   c. untreatable  d. a result of environmental factors such as socioeconomic disadvantage  Question 2  ............  about diagnosis and intervention for those with intellectual disabilities, as established by the  ............  Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)?    a. Many forms of intellectual  ............  support, the overall functioning of individuals with intellectual disabilities will improve.   c.  ............  to be hopeless.  d. All forms of intellectual disabilities produce about the same level of handicap. ......

...... .    a. 0.4  b. 1  c. 4  d. 5  Question 2  The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental  ............  (AAIDD) categorizes persons with intellectual disability according to ____.    a. ......

......  al., 2009 ) is showing that 40 of those diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder also had _____.     ............   Question 2  An important shift in focus for the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental  ......

......  its classification system, the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental  ............ ., 2009 ) is showing that _____ of those diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder also had  ......

......  postulated that some children may display actual or imaginary disabilities in order to receive  ............  2  In shaping policy in various eras, cultural factors can include    A) the way American society  ......

...... ?  Question 2  Under the __________ part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the  ............  to, for example, businesses who work with your health care provider.    A. HITECH Act  B. ............  Americans with Disabilities Act  C. Health Insurance Act   ......

......  Web pages is that they may not be compliant with the American Disabilities Act.    Indicate  ......

......  laws, acts, and agencies were formed during the 20th  ............  promoted public health?    A. Social Security Act of 1935  B. Blue Cross and Blue Shield  C.  ............  Rights Act  D. The American Disabilities Act  Question 2   ......

......  following was the result of the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?    a. A  ............  accepted the extra funds and employed more people with disabilities (PWDs).  b. Large numbers of  ............   b.  The male nurse was extremely young and attractive and looked like he had money.  c.  The girl  ......

......  maximum understanding  B. Large group lectures with handouts of main points plus culturally  ............  discussions on how to apply the new knowledge with prompt feedback  D. Use of multimedia  ............   Question 2  What should a nurse know about American children?    A. Any child under 21 years of age  ............  consent to receive health care.  B. Children with significant disabilities are most appropriately  ............  children lives in poverty, especially if living with a single parent.  D. Since the early 1900s,  ......

...... . Elderly men  Question 2  Which of the following acts prohibited discrimination and promoted  ............  for persons with mental disorders?    a. National Mental Health  ............   b. American with Disabilities Act  c. Developmental  ............  Act  d. Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill  ......

......  Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities  b. American Nurses Association  c. ............  Individual with Disabilities Act  d. Free Appropriate Public  ......

......  North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) provides a  ............  health risk faced by the community  2. The characteristics of the community  3. Identification of  ............  specific community client with whom the nurse will be working  4. Description  ............  measurable outcome indicators to measure the impact of interventions on public health is:    1.  ............  absences in a community  3. Evaluating the impact of a teaching program for teachers who deal with  ............  with disabilities  4. Developing nursing diagnoses  ......

......  focusing on the legislation associated with disabilities. The students demonstrate  ............  Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act  B) Fair Housing Act amendment  C) Americans  ............  Disabilities Act  D) Telecommunications Act  Question 2  A  ............  health nurse is working with a group of visually impaired individuals and is  ............  be a valuable resource for the nurse?    A) American Foundation for the Blind  B) American Council of  ......

......  and promoted opportunities for persons with mental disorders?    1. National Mental Health  ............   2. American with Disabilities Act  3. Developmental  ............  Act  4. Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill  ............  Act  Question 2  The third-leading killer of young  ......
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