Author Question: If you are speaking to a patient face-to-face at the office and the phone rings, you should: A) let ... (Read 36 times)


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If you are speaking to a patient face-to-face at the office and the phone rings, you should:
 A) let it go unanswered
  B) say, excuse me for a moment, please, and answer the call
  C) answer the call while you continue talking with the patient in the office
  D) pick up the phone and say, please hold, then go back to your conversation

Question 2

When a patient calls with a medical question, you should:
 A) treat the question lightly if you feel the patient's concern is unfounded
  B) guess at the answer if you are not sure
  C) ask the patient to call back at a later time when the doctor is not busy
  D) document the patient's information and relay it to the doctor for review


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Answer to Question 1


Answer to Question 2


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