Answer to Question 1Colorpoint refers to the color of the extremities: nose, ears, feet, and tail. Colorpoint cats have one general
body color, and the extremities are a different, darker color.
Answer to Question 2Short-Haired Breeds
Abyssinian American Shorthair
American Wirehair
Bombay British Shorthair
Colorpoint Cornish Rex
Devon Rex
Egyptian Mau Exotic Shorthair
Havana Brown
Japanese Bobtail Korat
Malayan Manx
Oriental Shorthair
Russian Blue
Scottish Fold
Singapura Snowshoe
Sphynx Tonkinese
Long-Haired Breeds
Balinese and Javanese
Cymric Himalayan and Kashmir Maine Coon
Norwegian Forest Cat Persian
Ragdoll Somali
Turkish Angora
The cat breeds differ in length of hair, color and color patterns, shape and length of ears, shape and color of
eyes, shape of the head, conformation of the body, size, and disposition.
There is a miscellaneous class that includes the American Curl, the Turkish Van, the LaPerm, the Selkirk
Rex, and the Siberian.
For specific differences between the breeds, consult the text.