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Author Question: A recent meta-analysis evaluating short-term psychodynamic therapy (Driessen et al., 2010 ) ... (Read 62 times) |
Did you know?
The strongest synthetic topical retinoid drug available, tazarotene, is used to treat sun-damaged skin, acne, and psoriasis.
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According to the FDA, adverse drug events harmed or killed approximately 1,200,000 people in the United States in the year 2015.
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Liver spots have nothing whatsoever to do with the liver. They are a type of freckles commonly seen in older adults who have been out in the sun without sufficient sunscreen.
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Cytomegalovirus affects nearly the same amount of newborns every year as Down syndrome.
Did you know?
There are actually 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids, and three essential fatty acids that your body needs every day.