Question 1
To study the maximum amount of genome diversity in humans, which of the following provides the most information?
◦ karyotyping
◦ SNP variation
◦ DNA fingerprinting
◦ sequencing of one or more specific genes
◦ ortholog comparisons
Question 2
Transcomplementation is a name sometimes given for a test to see whether a gene from one organism can "rescue" a loss-of-function mutant of a different organism with a homologous gene. To which of the following processes might this term apply?
◦ replacement of a nonfunctional globin gene with a globin pseudogene
◦ substitution of a drought-resistant gene from potato plants with a drought-resistant gene from a cactus species
◦ introduction of a human
WEE1 gene into a yeast culture with
wee1- mutant yeast
◦ replacement of a
cdc25- with a
cdc13+ gene to rescue a cell cycle dysfunction
◦ use of
Drosophila heat shock gene promoters to regulate heat shock genes in
the model fish, fugu