Ten-year-old Conrad has difficulty remembering anything that happened between his birth and his second birthday. Conrad is best thought of as
a. normal.
b. having likely suffered some traumatic event early on that has caused him to block off memory of his early years.
c. mentally impaired.
d. having an unusually small amount of space in his working memory.
Question 2
Which statement best summarizes the effects of parent-child attachments on later development?
a. Insecurely attached infants have life-long emotional problems, even if the attachment style improves after infancy.
b. A secure relationship with one's father cannot compensate for an insecure mother-child attachment relationship.
c. A secure attachment may become insecure as a result of major stresses in the family, such as divorce or a mother returning to work.
d. An infant who is securely attached to its mother at age one appears to make that child invulnerable to later socioemotional difficulties.