Answer to Question 1
An Rh-negative mother delivering an Rh-positive baby may develop antibodies to fetal cells that entered her bloodstream when the placenta separated. The Rho(D) immune globulin works to destroy the fetal cells in the maternal circulation before sensitization occurs. When the blood types are alike as with mother Rh-negative, baby Rh-negative, no antibody formation would be anticipated. If the Rh-positive blood of the mother comes in contact with the Rh-negative blood of the infant, no antibodies would develop because the antigens are in the mother's blood, not the infant's.
Answer to Question 2
Possible contamination of medical personnel can result from contact with blood, blood products, and only certain body fluids. Only certain body fluids can cause contamination. It is not necessary to wear protective equipment continually with all clients. Protective equipment is important with a client if the nurse is at risk for contamination with blood or certain body fluids. The equipment does not have to be worn with casual contact.