Answer to Question 1
Ans: C
In the model of catalyst, the community is seen to contain all the necessary qualities and resources for change, and the role of the health care professional is to provide the spark that will initiate change, as desired by the community and on its terms. Advocacy involves understanding the world view, life circumstances, and priorities of those requesting or receiving care and exploring the possible options with them in light of their preferences; the health care professional tries to imagine experiencing the situation of the person seeking care and offers an opinion of the best choice in full consideration of the other party's individuality; and the concept describes action within political, economic, and social systems on behalf of health interests of communities.
Answer to Question 2
Ans: C
Plastic surgery, an elective health care situation, represents the consumerism framework, in which the consumer is clearly in control of choices among available options, and the balance of authority in decision making shifts away from the provider to the user of health care services. Health care professionals working in areas such as trauma, intensive care, and critical care, care for people who are often in acute distress and may not be able to be active participants in making decisions regarding their care. These setting represent the paternalism framework.