Answer to Question 1
Benzodiazepine-GABA reduces arousal and moderates emotional responses, such as anger and hostility; it is implicated in anxiety disorder. Dopamine may act as a switch that turns on various brain circuits, allowing other neurotransmitters to inhibit or facilitate emotions or behavior and is implicated in schizophrenia, mood disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Norepinephrine facilitates or controls emergency reactions and alarm responses, it plays a role in emotional and behavioral regulation, but is not directly implicated with any specific disorder. Serotonin plays a role in information and motor coordination, and is implicated in regulatory problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and mood disorders.
Answer to Question 2
This question has provoked different theories and agonized many parents who are concerned about their children's early development. For instance, if early brain functions are unlikely to change, this implies that early experiences set the course for lifetime development. Freud's similar contention implied that an individual's core personality is formed from an early age, which sets the pace and boundaries for further personality formation. To the contrary, This question has provoked different theories and agonized many parents who are concerned about their children's early development. For instance, if early brain functions are unlikely to change, this implies that early experiences set the course for lifetime development. Freud's similar contention implied that an individual's core personality is formed from an early age, which sets the pace and boundaries for further personality formation. To the contrary,