Answer to Question 1
Jurors are more likely to find someone not guilty if they are attractive, wealthy, white, and female. Attractive defendants have a major advantage with respect to being acquitted, receiving a light sentence, and gaining the sympathy of the jurors. Female defendants are typically treated more leniently than male defendants. Although if a female commits assault they may be found guilty more frequently than males because she is acting outside of the normative or stereotypical gender expectation.
In addition, female jurors are more likely to find a person guilty for rape and child abuse. Females are also less likely to view sexual interaction in a sexual assault as consensual.
Answer to Question 2
In general, it appears that for those who have enough money to provide for their basic needs additional wealth does not increase happiness. However, for people who are struggling financially to put food on the table or pay for shelter, happiness is increased when money is available to meet these needs. There is not a linear positive relationship. In studies of various nations, there is not a clear relationship between those who have the highest income and their social prosperity or positive feelings.
Indeed, wealth seems to be related to happiness not in terms of an absolute value, but rather in relative terms. Compared to others how much do we have has more meaning than simply having wealth.