According to Walker (1980), what is the value of being exposed to more advanced ways of thinking about moral issues for adolescents?
a. It helps to reduce the guilt that they experience when they engage in behaviors that they know are immoral.
b. It sets them up to understand that there is no such thing as a truly moral decision, so they are then free to determine right and wrong for themselves.
c. It reinforces that their current ways of assessing morally ambiguous situations is accurate.
d. It causes them to think differently about morality and promotes developmental change.
Question 2
A recent study (Trenholm et al., 2007) found that sex education programs that teach only abstinence
a. dramatically reduce teen pregnancy rates.
b. have no effect on teen pregnancy rates.
c. increase contraceptive use among teens.
d. reduce teen pregnancy rates among younger adolescents, but have no effect on the pregnancy rates of olderadolescents.