What female types does Mickalene Thomas's Portrait of Mnonja evoke?
a) African-American superstar divas of the 1970s
b) Spanish prostitutes as depicted in Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
c) the Virgin Mary and the female saints in Jan van Eyck's The Ghent Altarpiece
d) avant-garde paintings of female figures in motion
Question 2
Sayre states that he believes that all people are creative, but artists possess qualities that most do not. Which of the following best describes these qualities?
a) Artists are critical thinkers, meaning they question assumptions and explore new directions.
b) Artists must be willing to buck the system.
c) They must look like artists, dressing in turtlenecks and berets or sporting lots of tattoos.
d) Artists are always outsiders, meaning they stand in opposition to the dominant paradigms of their day.