Answer to Question 1
a) Your Social Life. Reading newspapers, magazines, and books helps you to broaden your
knowledge and understanding of the world and to become a more interesting person. Reading
gives you more information and ideas to share with others.
b) Your Educational Life. In any kind of educational setting, reading is one of the principal
means of acquiring course-related information.
c) Your Professional Life. Reading will be part of any job, starting with the employment forms
you must read when you are hired. E-mails, letters, reports, computer manuals, schedules,
procedure manuals, and policy manuals are just a few of the documents that will require
reading skills.
Answer to Question 2
Writing skills are important for creating and communicating information. Although writing has
many advantages, the major one is that it provides a physical record that can be used as
proof, if necessary.
a) Your Social Life. Writing is being used more and more in our social lives today because email, texting, blogs have made it much easier, less expensive, and more convenient. We all
need to know how to write congratulation letters, thank-you notes, responses to invitations,
and other social communications.
b) Your Educational Life. Excellent writing skills can help you to earn higher grades on
research papers and tests. You learn more through writing about a subject because you must
think about the material and organize the information you have before you can start to write
about it.
c) Your Professional Life. On the job, you use your writing skills to compose e-mail messages,
letters, and reports. In many jobs, writing is a supporting skill, but in some jobs a newspaper
reporter or author, for example writing is the primary skill. Writing by some form of electronic
communication has become an increasingly important part of our lives.