Answer to Question 1
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Almanacs are handy guides to factual and statistical information about countries, politics, the labor force, and so on. One of the most extensive is the Statistical Abstract of the United States (available online and in print).
Answer to Question 2
Answer: Effective research involves a lot more than simply typing a few terms into a search engine. Start by developing a problem statement that defines the purpose of your researchthe decision you need to make or the conclusion you need to reach at the end of the process. Next, identify the information you need to make that decision or reach that conclusion. Save time and get better results by using a clear process. First, plan your research. Planning is the most important step of any research project; a solid plan yields better results in less time. Second, locate the data and information you need. Your next step is to figure out where the data and information are and how to access them. Third, process the data and information you located. The data and information you find probably won't be in a form you can use immediately and may require statistical analysis or other processing. Next, apply your findings. You can apply your research findings in three ways: summarizing information, drawing conclusions, and developing recommendations. Finally, manage information efficiently. Many companies are trying to maximize the return on the time and money invested in business research by collecting and sharing research results in a variety of computer-based systems, known generally as knowledge management systems.