After a visit to Chicago over Christmas, a couple returns to St. Louis with nausea, diarrhea, and cramping in the lower right quadrant of their abdomens. They admitted to indulging in a family favorite of chitterlings over the holidays.
The routine stool culture of both individuals provided the same results:
BAP: all colonies present are oxidase negative and no beta-hemolytic colonies observed
MAC: lactose fermenters and oxidase negative, non-lactose fermenters
HE: yellow colonies
PEA: no suspicious colonies
Campy blood agar: no growth
Based on the patient history, the original orders also requested the stool specimens be cultured for an additional enteric pathogen. The processing technician noted the request and added one additional agar plate to the routine stool culture media. The additional agar demonstrates the potential enteric pathogen as _________ colonies.
A) Green metallic B) Yellow
C) Colorless D) Red centered and clear edged
Question 2
A microbiologist arrives at the processing bench to begin her day. Someone had placed the swabs received the previous night in the refrigerator. One was a urethral swab from a 15-year-old male complaining of a penile discharge.
The emergency room physician is calling for any preliminary results. Which of the following statements is not appropriate to tell the physician?
A) The specimen should be recollected.
B) A Gram stain can be performed and, if positive for GNDC, is considered conclusive for gonorrhea.
C) The culture will be processed and results will be available tomorrow.
D) Neisseria gonorrhoeae cannot be cultured from this swab due to its susceptibility to cold and lack of CO2.