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Author Question: When you get the results, his international normalized ratio (INR) is critical at 7.2. What is ... (Read 35 times)


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When you get the results, his international normalized ratio (INR) is critical at 7.2.
  What is the danger of this INR level?

Question 2

K.N. calls your anticoagulation clinic to report a nosebleed that is hard to stop. You ask him to come into the office to check his coagulation levels. The laboratory technician draws a PT/INR test.
  What is a PT/INR test, and what are the expected levels for K.N.? What is the purpose of the INR?

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Answer to Question 1

This INR level exceeds the INR goals for K.N. At this high level, his blood's clotting ability is severely
impaired, and he is at an increased risk for bleeding. His health care provider will want to examine
him to determine whether he has other complications associated with excessive anticoagulation. In
lay terms, his blood is too thin.

Answer to Question 2

PT stands for prothrombin time and is used to monitor the adequacy of warfarin therapy. However,
PT results can vary from facility to facility because of different reagents or methods used. INR stands
for international normalized ratio, a mathematical calculation. INR results are independent of the
reagents or methods used, thus providing more standardized monitoring. INR goals vary according
to the indication. For deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis, the preferred INR levels would be 1.5 to
2.0. For atrial fibrillation, the preferred INR is 2.0 to 3.0. However, because K.N. also has a mechanical
valve, the preferred INR would be as high as 2.5 to 3.5.


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