Answer to Question 1
Correct Answer: 4
Electronic medical records have been shown to reduce errors. The record can be programmed to alert clinicians about potential medication errors such as exceeding a safe dose of acetaminophen. Scanning the bar code on an item before using for patient care will ensure that the patient is charged for the item. Clicking on automatic calculation before leaving the graphic sheet section ensures the documentation is complete. Leaving the computer unattended for 1 minute resulting in data being lost will cause the nurse to re-input the information. These are not safety hazards.
Answer to Question 2
When providing patient care the nurse should explain the computer, why and how it is used, and how the patient's confidential information is protected. The nurse is doing more than typing notes to remember what care was provided to the patient. The computerized documentation system is not a communication device used between nurses. The computer is used for more than determining if all needed care was provided.