Author Question: Which political party believes firmly in deregulation of all markets including banks and wall street? (Read 2757 times)


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a) what is the reason they give for this belief.

b) what is the real reason for this belief that they don't tell us.


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a)  They believe in economic Darwinism---it has worked so well in natural world, even though they don't believe in natural Darwinism.

b) The real reason is that it gives greed a moral credibility.

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*You sound like a teacher giving a homework assignment to his/her class while studying politics.

Why so specific in your questions?  Was this a homework assignment given to you to do and you couldn't come up with anythng?


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It's not the government's role to interfere with private enterprise.

Republicans and Democrats love and profit from regulation, just to different extents.


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1. Government is the problem not the solution.
2. No hidden reasons. The government fucks up a lot more that they help.


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Republicans because regulation interferes with people's ability to create wealth for themselves by putting up barriers that restrict trade and transactions.  And the real reason is because people should have the right to make as much money as they want without feeling guilty or getting scorn from others that can't do the same thing.  


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well... Republicans more so... but really, many Republicans don't want it as bad as many think... (as you can see with the Reps talking about 'we wanted regulations on fanny and freddie)

A. the reason they give is that capitalism is a wondrous thing that policies it's self... and gov. only screws it up when it tries to regulate it

B. well... those who know enough... I guess are trying to consolidate the wealth... more and more money... greed.. the more they have, the less you have... and they want to have the most...

of course some probably actually buy it and don't remember or know about the industrial revolution...


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a)  Free markets are beneficial for all. Truly free markets (not this hybrid economy we have of crony capitalism).  

b)  This financial crises was engineered by the government.  Government created Fannie and Freddie along with the Fed.  Guess what entity is raping you right now without any lube?  The Fed.


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How obvious is it? McCain/Bush wanted to de-regulate it, so the big corporations, and big money companies, could bleed the market dry? NO TAXES paid on huge amounts of money...No one at watch... The Republicans want to ensure their lobbyists get their just rewards...Telling us the money would 'trickle down' Well, it trickled alright, right out of our country, into fat Swiss Bank Accounts! That is basically what happened! See where it got them? Got us? What if Bush / McCain had their way, and privatized the Social Security monies? I would  be royally pee-owed if all the money that was taken out of my paychecks these last thirty years, went into their pockets, when the Market crashed! Still, my 401K took a huge hit, and now, I am a square one again!


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This sort of belief is usually attributed to the Libertarian party.  They believe that the "invisible hand" of a truly free market economy will reward responsible actors and punish the irresponsible and that this is the best mechanism for the market.

There is no secret "real reason".


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