A mother brings her eight-year-old daughter back to the pediatrician regarding her worsening cough that has become non-productive, increasing fatigue, and high fever. The most recent laboratory results and chest X-ray images taken at the hospital have been provided for the pediatrician's review prior to the patient's visit. The documentation of the visit reflects a comprehensive history, comprehensive physical examination, and high medical decision making, identifying aspiration pneumonia and pleurisy. Documentation also reflects recommendation of IV antibiotics as management option, as well as extensive counseling regarding the management plan of laboratory results and diagnostic imaging, the stress management of the patient and mother, and recommending diagnostic testing for mother and the rest of family. More than 105 minutes of direct patient contact are documented. Which of the following reflects the MOST appropriate CPT code for this service?
A. 99205 and 99354
B. 99215 and 99354
C. 99205 and 99356
D. 99215 and 99356
Question 2
What is intensive care, and where is this E/M service provided?
A. Services requiring a longer amount of time to perform than the intraservice time typically allows; may occur in an outpatient or an inpatient setting
B. Healthcare services that can be provided in a variety of settings and specialize in the health of the pulmonary, or respiratory, system, as well as the prevention and treatment of diseases related to the respiratory system
C. Healthcare services provided to a newborn infant from birth up to 28 days of age
D. The E/M service provides critical care provided by a team of healthcare professionals operating on a unit that is dedicated to the critical care of patients