Explain how a lifeboat case can require one to avoid doing what is in their own highest-ranking reasons only by requiring another person to act contrary to his/her highest-ranking reasons.
A. In a lifeboat case, the survival of one depends on the survival of the other,requiring both parties to cooperate, which is unlike the typical conflictbetween the self-interested and altruistic reasons, where one of these reasonsusually ranks higher and allows for a clear resolution.
B. In a lifeboat case, the survival of one depends on the demise of the other,which is a difficult matter to resolve in any way other than by a chancemethod; such a case is similar to the typical conflict between the selfinterested and altruistic reasons, where neither set reasons usually rankshigher and allows for a clear resolution.
C. In a lifeboat case, the survival of one depends on the demise of the other,which is easily resolved by logical methods, and it is similar to the typical
conflict between the self-interested and altruistic reasons, where one of these
reasons usually ranks higher and allows for a clear resolution.
D. In a lifeboat case, the survival of one depends on the demise of the other,
which is a difficult matter to resolve in any way other than by a chance
method; such a case is unlike the typical conflict between the self-interested
and altruistic reasons, where one of these reasons usually ranks higher and
allows for a clear resolution.
Question 2
Restate how one should assess the relevant reasons in cases in which there is a conflict between the self-interested reasons and the moral reasons.
A. When considering the reasons in cases where there is a conflict between bothtypes of reasons, it is preferable to consider the conflict as one between selfinterested reasons and well thought out, not moral, reasons.
B. When considering the reasons in cases where there is a conflict between bothtypes of reasons, it is preferable to consider the conflict as one between selfinterested reasons and religious, not moral, reasons.
C. When considering the reasons in cases where there is a conflict between bothtypes of reasons, it is preferable to consider the conflict as one between selfinterested reasons and altruistic, not moral, reasons.
D. When considering the reasons in cases where there is a conflict between both
types of reasons, it is preferable to consider the conflict as one between selfinterested reasons and moral, not altruistic, reasons.