Answer to Question 1
A Incorrect. The nurse might praise the caregiver for paying close attention to whether the child has a fever, but this is not the best response since it does not address the issue of rectal temperatures.
B Incorrect. This is not the best response since it does not address the issue of rectal temperatures. Additionally, the temperature for a child undergoing chemotherapy should be monitored closely. Once a day is not often enough.
C Incorrect. This is not the best response since it does not address the issue of rectal temperatures. Additionally, the temperature for a child undergoing chemotherapy should be monitored closely. Taking it only if the caregiver suspects a fever is not often enough.
D Correct. The nurse's best response is to advise the caregiver to not allow rectal temperatures to be taken. Rectal temperatures, rectal medications or performing a rectal exam should be avoided because they could lead to a break in the rectal mucosa, allowing bacteria into the bloodstream. This could result in sepsis, a rectal abscess, or bleeding.
Answer to Question 2
A Incorrect: High self-esteem is not best identified with a child being respectful of the parents and other adult and authority figures.
B Incorrect: High self-esteem is not best identified with a child keeping quiet around others and displaying good listening skills.
C Correct: The closer the perceived self is to the ideal self (how the child would like to be) the higher the child's self-esteem.
D Incorrect: Although a child who answers yes if asked if he or she has high self-esteem may have a positive self-concept, this is not the best indicator of high self-esteem.