Answer to Question 1
A Focal seizures may arise from any area of the cerebral cortex, but the frontal,
temporal, and parietal lobes are most commonly affected.
B Partial seizures are caused by abnormal electric discharges from epileptogenic
foci limited to a circumscribed region of the cerebral cortex.
C Clinical observations of generalized seizures indicate that the initial involvement
is from both hemispheres.
D A seizure disorder that is acquired is a result of a brain injury from a variety of
factors; it does not specify the type of seizure.
Answer to Question 2
To influence adolescents, try to get them to think positively about their ability to make re-sponsible, informed choices. Adolescents often get pregnant because they do not understand reproductive physiology, their risk for pregnancy, and how contraception works. Lecturing adolescents and telling them what you think they should do is unlikely to be effective. They do need to know that they can seek health care without parental approval.