Answer to Question 1
The woman should refrain from sexual intercourse for 48 hours before the test because sperm can obscure the specimen. Douching should be avoided for 48 hours before the test to prevent washing away cervical cells, which might be abnormal. Although a bath is an appropriate hygiene measure, it is not required before a Pap smear. Collecting a urine specimen also is not necessary.
Answer to Question 2
A Tremulous movements are characteristic of rigid/tremor/atonic cerebral palsy.
B Spastic cerebral palsy, the most common type of cerebral palsy, will manifest
with hypertonicity and increased deep tendon reflexes. The child's muscles are
very tight and any stimuli may cause a sudden jerking movement.
C Slow, writhing, uncontrolled, involuntary movements occur with athetoid or
dyskinetic cerebral palsy.
D Clumsy movements, loss of coordination, equilibrium, and kinesthetic sense
occur in ataxic cerebral palsy.