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Author Question: The perinatal nurse knows that a cephalic presentation has which of the following advantages to the ... (Read 50 times)


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The perinatal nurse knows that a cephalic presentation has which of the following advantages to the woman in labor? (Select all that apply.)
  Fetal skull bones have the ability to mold during birth.
  The largest part of the fetus is presenting first.
  The presenting part may not totally cover the cervix.
  The shape of the fetal head is optimal for cervical dilatation.
  The top of the fetal head assists with cervical effacement.

Question 2

The nurse instructs the pregnant woman to report any rupture of the membranes along with a description of the fluid. Which of the following would the nurse evaluate as normal amniotic fluid? (Select all that apply.)
  Clear liquid
  Contains white specks
  Presence of lanugo
  Slight ammonia odor
  Yellow-greenish color

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Answer to Question 1

ANS: A, B, D
The following advantages are associated with a cephalic presentation: the fetal head is usually the largest part of the infant and after the fetal head is born, the rest of the body usually delivers without complications; the fetal head is capable of molding and there is sufficient time during labor and descent for molding of the fetal head to occur; molding helps the fetus to maneuver through the maternal birth passage; and the fetal head is smooth and round, which is the optimal shape to apply pressure to the cervix and to aid in dilation. Breech or malpresentations can lead to umbilical cord prolapse because the presenting part (e.g., a foot) may not totally cover the cervix. The presenting part does not influence effacement.

Answer to Question 2

ANS: A, B, C
Amniotic fluid should be clear and odorless. It may contain white specks and/or fetal hair (lanugo). Yellowish-green tinged fluid may indicate infection or the presence of meconium.


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Reply 2 on: Jun 28, 2018


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