Answer to Question 1
The four methods of estimating validity are:
1 . constructunderstand ing the theoretical rationale underlying the obtained measure. (It can be estimated using convergent or discriminant validity. Convergent validity measures a construct with independent measurement techniques and looks for a high correlation among the measures. Discriminant validity involves demonstrating a lack of correlation amount differing constructs.)
2 . contentsubjective judgments by experts as to the appropriateness of the measurement
3 . concurrentcorrelati ng two different measurements of the same marketing phenomenon administered at the same point in time
4 . predictivethe ability of a measured marketing phenomenon at one point in time to predict another marketing phenomenon at a future point
The three main methods of estimating reliability are:
1 . test-retestrepeated measurement of the same person or group using the same scaling device under conditions judged to be similar
2 . alternative-formsgiving the subject two forms judged equivalent, but not identical
3 . split-halfdividing a multi-item measurement device into equivalent groups and correlating the item responses
Answer to Question 2
primary sampling unit (PSU)