Answer to Question 1
Feedback: (1) Marx hypothesized that free enterprise would result in some firms becoming bigger and bigger as they eliminate their opposition or absorb smaller competing firms, ultimately resulting in a monopoly in each of the various sectors of the economy. Capitalism also (2) encourages financial crises because the lack of central planning results in the overproduction of some goods and the underproduction of others; (3) encourages mass production for expansion and profits, resulting in a social class, the proletariat (or working class) with the goal of equalizing the distribution of profits; (4) demands the introduction of labor-saving machinery, which forces unemployment and a more hostile proletariat; and (5) will control the state, so the state passes laws favoring the wealthy and incurring the further wrath of the proletariat. The result is class consciousness among the proletariat, leading to class conflict, and the overthrow of this economic system.
Answer to Question 2
Feedback: True socialism must be democratic; that is, representatives of a socialist state must be answerable and responsive to the wishes of the public they serve. Totalitarian nations that claim to be socialist violate this fundamental aspect of socialism. The key to differentiating between authentic and false socialism is to determine who is making the decisions and whose interests are being served.The politico economic systems of the former Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China, or Cuba are socialist in some respects: material benefits are more evenly distributed than those in the United States. But their economies and governments are controlled by a single political party in an inflexible and authoritarian manner. Although these countries claim to have democratic elections, in fact, the citizens have no electoral choice. The people are denied civil liberties and freedoms that should be the hallmark of a socialist society. In a pure socialist society, democratic relations must operate throughout the social structure.