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Author Question: Why is there controversy over the source of emotions and whether they are products of biological ... (Read 90 times)


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Why is there controversy over the source of emotions and whether they are products of biological instinct or products of socialization?
  What will be an ideal response

Question 2

How did Max Weber explain the emergence of the spirit of capitalism?
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Answer to Question 1

There is evidence that emotions are the result of both biological factors and socialization. Support for emotion as being the product of our genes can be traced to the work by Ekman in identifying six global emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise). These are expressed similarly all over the world, regardless of one's race, ethnicity, or social location. Emotions and their expression are also affected by culture and socialization. Men are generally more subdued in expressing emotion. Differences in social class also affect the ways in which emotion is expressed.

Answer to Question 2

Weber believed that religion was the central force in social change. Protestants believed that financial success was a sign from God that they were saved and part of God's will. To enhance this sign of salvation, they began to live frugal lives and invest the surplus money they made. As a result, they made more money. This readiness to invest money was what Weber called the spirit of capitalism.


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Reply 2 on: Jul 2, 2018
Great answer, keep it coming :)


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Reply 3 on: Yesterday
Wow, this really help


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