Answer to Question 1
Psychological tools develop within cultures as people attempt to master their environment. These tools are such things as speech, written language, maps, and number systems. Vygotsky believed that cognitive development would be advanced through the transmission of these tools from the intellectually skilled to the less able learner in the context of social interaction.
Answer to Question 2
Bandura's triadic reciprocal causation model holds that people's behavior is the result of interactions among three elementspersonal characteristics, behavior patterns, and environmental factors. Personal characteristics are cognitive factors (such as goal setting, learning skills, and self-efficacy beliefs), affective factors (such as anxiety and satisfaction), and metacognitive factors (such as knowledge of the role of strategic processes in learning and monitoring). Behavior patterns are such behaviors as self-observation and self-evaluation. Environmental factors are elements of the individual's physical and social environment and include the nature of the learning task, reinforcing and punishing consequences, and the influences of other people. Because the model is reciprocal, or interactive, pairs of elements (personal characteristics and behavior patterns, for example) can influence each other.