Author Question: Morgan has a problem. Her date has been late the last three times to pick her up and this upsets ... (Read 74 times)


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Morgan has a problem. Her date has been late the last three times to pick her up and this upsets her. Tonight her date is late again. What should she say?
  A) I can't believe you are late for the fourth time. This really upsets me Why are you always so late?
  B) Nothing, but when he asks, What's wrong? reply as coldly as possible Nothing.
  C) This is the fourth time you have been late. I want you to know how much this hurts me. Maybe the next time you should call from the car phone and let me know you are running late.
  D) This is the fourth time you have been late. I want you to know how much this hurts me. I wonder if your mother knows how you disrespect me?

Question 2

Your boss has just left your office. You heard what she said but feel there was a hidden message in her statements. What type of communication did your boss most likely practice?
  A) Supportive communication
  B) Nonsupportive communication (it was person-oriented communication)
  C) Nonsupportive communication (it was incongruent communication)
  D) Nonsupportive communication (it was evaluative communication)
  E) Nonsupportive communication (it was problem-oriented communication)


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Answer to Question 1

Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. This is an example of global nonsupportive communication. (Why are you always so late?)
B) Incorrect. This is an example of incongruent nonsupportive communication. (Stating that nothing is wrong even when it is)
C) Correct. The steps to descriptive communication are (1) objectively describe your observation, (2) describe your reaction to the behavior, (3) suggest a more acceptable alternative. This answer choice followed the steps quite well.
D) Incorrect. Though this communication is specific and congruent, it is invalidating and evaluative because it assumes that her date is disrespecting her.

Answer to Question 2

Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. You left the meeting feeling like there was a hidden message, something the boss was feeling but did not say. This is characteristic of incongruent (and therefore nonsupportive) communication.
B) Incorrect. There is no evidence that your boss focused on you as the person rather than on the problem. You left the meeting feeling like there was a hidden message, something the boss was feeling but did not say. This is characteristic of incongruent communication.
C) Correct. You left the meeting feeling like there was a hidden message, something the boss was feeling but did not say. This is characteristic of incongruent (and therefore nonsupportive) communication.
D) Incorrect. There is no evidence that your boss evaluated your behavior rather than describing the events. You left the meeting feeling like there was a hidden message, something the boss was feeling but did not say. This is characteristic of incongruent communication.
E) Incorrect. Supportive communication should actually be problem-oriented rather than person-oriented. You left the meeting feeling like there was a hidden message, something the boss was feeling but did not say. This is characteristic of incongruent communication.

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