Author Question: What enterprise resource planning (ERP) needs are unique to midsized and large organizations? ... (Read 31 times)


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What enterprise resource planning (ERP) needs are unique to midsized and large organizations?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Building data warehouses often slows down operational systems.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false


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Answer to Question 1

Midsize organizations may expand IT from one person to a small staff, but frequently this staff is isolated from senior-level management. Such isolation can create misunderstandings and distrust. Because of the expense, organizational disruption, and length of ERP projects, senior management must be committed to the ERP solution. When IT management is isolated, such commitment is difficult to obtain and may not be strong. This issue is problematic enough that many ERP consultants say the first step for these firms in moving toward ERP is to obtain deep senior-level commitment to the project.
Large organizations have a full IT staff that is headed by the chief information officer (CIO), a business and IT professional who sits on the executive board and is an active participant in organizational strategic planning. ERP implementation will be part of that strategic process and, when begun, will have the full backing of the entire executive group.

Answer to Question 2


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